Monday, 21 September 2015

Mise-en-scene and Location Ideas.

1. Wyke reception.

2. Wyke lockers.

3. Wyke e-labs

4. Wyke canteen 

5. Wyke entrance

6. Wyke library

7. Wyke campus

8. Wyke art class

9. Wyke artwork in the hallways

10. Wyke seating area

These are all locations that images for my magazine could be shot at. They each represent part of the students daily routines.

Camera Framings.

Magazine Feature Story Ideas.

1. 37 essentials that every college student needs.

2. Got some downtime? 

3. Perfect your time management. 

4. The introverts guide. 

5. Stop Procrastinating! 

6. The beauty of simplicity. 

7. Making the correct decisions? 

8. Endeavour.

9. Canteen Madness.

10. Must Haves.

11. 10 Apps.

12. A Day In The Life.

13. The ins and outs.

These are a selection of potential feature stories for my college magazine. For my magazine, I will be picking maybe 4 or 5 for my final feature stories. I will only pick the ones that i feel would be most useful for my audience.

Magazine Colour Scheme Ideas.

Magazine Name Ideas.

1. Your Student Mag

2. Just College

3. Student Lifestyle

4.Your College Latest

5. Student Life

6. College Weekly

7. News Weekly

8. High Grade

9. Wyke Life

10. Wyke Weekly

I created a list of six potential Magazine names to choose from. I made sure that they were fairly short, and were clear enough for the audience to understand that it was a college magazine just from looking at the masthead. 

I decided to rule out any name with 'student' in it, as I wanted it to be apparent that my magazine was targeted at more mature teens that will be working and studying towards university or full time jobs / apprentices. 

Finally, I asked around for opinions on which seemed to be the most memorable and effective. The majority was 'Just College' as it is short and snappy. Therefore I chose 'Just College' to be my final magazine's masthead.

Digital Drafts.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Magazine Advert Analysis.

Magazine Advert Analysis. 

Language - The layout of this advert is similar to those of a stereotypical magazine advert layout. However, instead of the perfume being in the bottom right corner, the woman is holding it to her chest in the centre of the image. This suggests that it is something that you would not want to let go, which makes the perfume seem all the more valuable. Being in the centre of the page, draws the audience's attention to it straight away. The theme of the advert is young, feminine and angelic. 

Institution and Ideology - The institution have chose to use innocence and purity as their main theme. The white of her dress and pink curtains that are cascading around her create an innocent, angelic aroma. The ideology behind this advert is that for a younger audience from 16 plus, the advert should be very feminine and pure. 

Audience - As the audience is 16 plus, the institutions use of innocence and purity is suitable as they should be pure. 

Semiotics / LIIAR Analysis.

Semiotics / LIIAR analysis.

Denotation - the object itself. 
Connotation - the meaning of the object. 


Language - Media language is the codes and conventions that are used to convey a message. It helps the audience to understand : layout, design and the use of written language of photography and illustration. It is content, theme and purpose.

Ideology - A set of values and beliefs held in common by a group of people. Ideology allows people to understand the meanings of messages. Ideology depends on the individual's beliefs and attitudes. 

Institution - The institution is the company that is in charge of the production, distribution and marketing of media texts. All institutions create different products and messages due to them having different ideologies. However, within the institution, people need to have the same ideologies. 

Audience - The groups and individuals targeted by institutions and producers. They are the people that are influenced and persuaded to buy products. 

Representation - Media constructs versions of people, places and events using images, sounds or words.  Representation is the message that they want to give the audience by using different methods (e.g. images, sounds and words). 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Media Brief.


To design a College magazine front cover and mock up contents page. Images used on the front cover must be original (taken by you).